Tuesday, February 2, 2021

St. Seraphim of Sarov: On Spiritual Peace

 We can see how to defeat anger in the life of St. Paisius the Great. He asked the Lord Jesus Christ, Who appeared to him, to release him from anger. But Christ answered him, "If you want to defeat anger and wrath together, desire nothing, hate no one, humiliate no one."1To preserve peace of soul you must keep despair at bay and try to preserve a joyful disposition, not a sorrowful one. As the wise Sirach said, "For sorrow has destroyed many, and there is no profit in it" (Sirach 30:23). To preserve peace of soul, you must in every way avoid condemnation of others. By you lack of judgment and your silence, you will preserve spiritual peace. When a man is in such a state, he receives divine revelations.
+St. Seraphim of Sarov, from Spiritual Instructions, #3-4 On the Peace of the Soul and Preserving It.
1 from the Life of St. Paisius the Great in The Great Synaxaristes, June 19

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