Monday, February 1, 2021

St. Nikephorus the Monk: On What is Attention

 What is attention and what are its qualities - this you must diligently study. Attention is knowledge given by pure repentance; attention is the cry of the soul, the hatred of the world, the ascent to God. Attention is rejection of sin and acceptance of virtue. Attention is the undoubted conviction of the of the forgiveness of sins. Attention is the beginning of the vision of the mind, or rather, the cause of the vision of the mind, for God, through it, comes down and appears to the mind. Attention is the lack of confusion of the mind or, more properly, its firmness, given to the soul by God's mercy. Attention is the defeat of thoughts, the temple of the remembrance of God, the treasure-store of endurance when encountering dangers. Attention is the cause of faith, hope, and love.
+St. Nikephorus the Monk, from The Philokalia, volume 4 

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