Saturday, January 16, 2021

St. Sophrony (Sakharov): When God comes to us

 God is indivisible in Himself. When He comes, He comes wholly, as He is in His eternal Being. We do not contain Him. He reveals Himself to us at the 'point' where we knock: "Knock, and it shall be opened unto you" (Luke 11:9). He speaks in brief dicta but life is not long enough to uncover their full content. Reverently we sense His Fatherhood, His clemency. We see that He hungers to communicate to us His eternal life: to have us attain the perfection of His Son, Who is the equal mold of the Father. Incomprehensible is His design for us. From 'nothing' He creates gods like Himself. And our whole being bows before Him - not in dread before the stern Master but in humble love for the Father.
+St. Sophrony (Sakharov), from On Prayer, chapter 2 Prayer - The Way to Knowledge.

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