Friday, January 15, 2021

St. Isaac the Syrian: Humility in prayer

 When the humble-minded man approaches prayer or becomes worthy of it, he still does not dare to petition God or ask for anything. He does not yet know for what he should pray; all his thoughts are silent, awaiting only the mercy and the will of the God Whom he worships. His face is bowed to the earth, and the inner eye of his heart is raised to the exalted gates of the Holy of Holies. There is He Whose dominion is the darkness that dims the eyes of the Seraphim, Whose goodness inspires countless legions of angles to worship in complete silence. The boldness of this man only extends to the follow words that he dares utter in prayer: "O Lord, let it be with me according to Thy will." (cf. Luke 1:38).
+ St. Isaac the Syrian, from Ascetic Homilies, homily 49.

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