Saturday, January 30, 2021

St. Mark the Ascetic: Enduring Sorrows which are the result of Sins

 If you wish to bring to God a blameless confession, then do not call to mind the images of previous sins, but courageously endure all the sorrows that come upon you as a result of these sins. Sorrows come as retribution for previous sins, the heaviness of each retribution depending on the heaviness of the sin. He who is wise and knows the truth confesses to God not by calling to mind his committed sins, but by enduring the sorrows that come as a result of those sins. If he rejects suffering and dishonor, he will not bring repentance even if he does other good deeds, for vanity and lack of suffering serve sin, even when the ascetic does good deeds.
+St. Mark the Ascetic, from On Those Who Think they are made Righteous by Works, in The Philokalia Volume 1, #193, 197,150-156

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