Wednesday, January 13, 2021

St. Gregory of Nyssa: What it means to call Oneself a Christian

 If, therefore, someone puts on the name of Christ, but does not exhibit in his life what is indicated by the term, such a person belies the name and puts on a lifeless mask... For it is not possible for Christ not to be justice and purity and truth and estrangement from all evil, nor is it possible to be a Christian (that is, truly a Christian) without displaying in oneself a participation in these virtues. If one can give a definition of Christianity, we shall define it as follows: Christianity is an imitation of the divine nature1.
+St. Gregory of Nyssa, from Ascetical Works, On What it means to call Oneself a Christian

1See Plato, Theaetetus 276b, Republic 613b.

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