Thursday, October 22, 2020

St. Rufus of the Paradise: On obedience

 "In heaven I saw four ranks: the first is the sick man who gives thanks to God; the second is he who exerts himself to offer hospitality; the third is he who wanders in the desert as a solitary; the fourth is he who stays where he is, obedient to his spiritual father and subject to him for the Lord's sake. And he who lived in obedience bore a shield and wore a golden chain." Rufus asked the Angel who showed him this vision why that man had received greater glory than the others, and the angel answered, "Because whoever exercises hospitality acts according to his own will, and whoever lives in the desert has gone there according to his own will; while the last, having given up his own will in everything, possesses obedience. He relies entirely on God and on his Elder". Then Rufus exclaimed, "Obedience, salvation of all the faithful! Obedience, that gives birth to all the virtues! Obedience, that discovers the Kingdom! Obedience, that opens Heaven, enabling men to ascend thereto from the earth! Obedience, nourishment of all the Saints who have sucked out thy milk and thereby become perfect! Obedience, that dwells in the angels!"
+St. Rufus of the Paradise, from The Synaxarion, entry for October 22.

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