Friday, October 23, 2020

St. Irenaeus of Lyons: On the Church and the Holy Spirit

 Having received this preaching and this faith, as I have said, the Church although scattered throughout the whole world, carefully preserves it, as if living in one house. She believes these things [everywhere] alike, as if she had but one heart and one soul, and preaches them harmoniously, teaches them and hands them down, as if she had but one mouth... Neither will one of those who preside in the churches who is very powerful in speech say anything different from these things, for no one is above [his] teacher, nor will one who is weak in speech diminish the tradition...
We preserve the teaching we have received from the Church, like a precious trust contained within and excellent vessel. The Spirit is ever rejuvenating it and imparting this rejuvenation to the Church in which it is contained. It is the gift of God entrusted to the Church. It imparts the Spirit to God's creatures, all who participate in it are enlivened and that is their communion in Christ, that is the Holy Spirit, the promise of incorruptibility, the foundation of our faith and the ladder that allows us to mount up to God.
+St. Irenaeus of Lyons, from Against Heresies, Book 1 20.2 and Book 3 24.1

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