Sunday, September 6, 2020

St. Gregory Palamas: Humility in response to God's Saving Love

If the Son of God had not come down from heaven we should have had no hope of going up to heaven. If He had not become incarnate, suffered in the flesh, risen and ascended for our sake, we should not have known God's surpassing love for us. If He had not taken flesh and endured the passion while we were still ungodly, we should not have desisted from the pride which so often lifts us up and drags us down. Now that we have been exalted without contributing anything, we stay humble, and as we regard with understanding the greatness of God's promise and benevolence we grow in humility; from which comes salvation.
+St. Gregory Palamas, from St. Gregory Palamas, The Homilies, Homily 16 On Great and Holy Saturday.

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