Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Fr. George Calciu: Angels are in twos

In ancient icons they represented the devils as single - one, but the angels in twos. It has very deep significance, because the devil was alone, but the angels were in twos. They were not alone; everyone was with someone else. After Pitesti,1 I understood the iconography of the ancient icons, because we were put in this diabolical situation when we trusted no one, love no one, were not in connection with anyone - we were absolutely alone. No cornerstone. No indication - we did not know where we were going. At this, the spiritual terror was complete.
+Fr. George Calciu from Father George Calciu, Interviews, Homilies, and Talks, An interview with Fr. George.

1 Pitesti was an experimental Communist prison in Romania, intended to destroy the personality and remake people into "ideal Communists"

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