Saturday, August 29, 2020

Fr. Arseny (Streltzoff): Faith will never die on earth

I was granted great mercy by the Lord and by the Mother of God, who showed me the most sacred and magnificent treasure - that of the human soul, filled with faith, love and kindness. They showed me that faith will never die on earth. Many people carry it with them - some with ardor, others with a trembling respect, others carry just a spark - and it is essential for them that a good priest help them as a pastor to turn this spark into  an unquenchable flame of faith. The Lord showed me that the people who carry the faith, and especially the shepherds of human souls, must help fight for each person to the end of their own strength, until their last breath. The basis of the fight for a soul is love, kindness and helping your neighbor, help given not for one's own sake, but for the sake of one's brother. People judge faith, and judge even Christ Himself, based on the behavior of others. It is also written: "By your words you will be saved, and by your words you will be condemned" (Matt 12:37) and, "bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ" (Gal 6:2).
+Fr. Arseny (Streltzoff), discussing what he had learned from his experiences in the Russian Gulags, from Father Arseny 1893-1973, Priest, Prisoner, Spiritual Father, by the servant of God Alexander

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