Sunday, August 30, 2020

Archimandrite Seraphim (Aleksiev): Sin is the greatest evil

It is in vain that some unenlightened people seek the greatest evil for man somewhere else, rather than in sin. Some consider disease to be the greatest evil, other - poverty, and others - death. But neither disease, nor poverty, nor death, nor any other earthly disaster can be such a great evil for us as sin is. These earthly misfortunes do not separate us from God is we are seeking Him sincerely, but on the contrary, they bring us closer to Him....
But sin is the most wretched poverty of the heart - poverty blocking the treasure of grace. Sin is a deadly sickness of the soul, a sickness which deprives us both of the joys of earth and the joys of heaven. Sin is a terrible and most lamentable spiritual death which separates us eternally from the joy of the heavenly inhabitants in paradise and buries us in the darkness of hell.
+Archimandrite Seraphim (Aleksiev), from The Forgotten Medicine, The Mystery of Repentance.

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