Saturday, June 13, 2020

St. Theophan the Recluse: Unwavering zeal

As a straight thread is artfully spun by an industrious spinner, no matter how long she is at it, so also must be spun the thread of zeal of monastic life, from the moment you cross the threshold of the convent until the moment you cross the threshold of the door of the grave. Unwavering zeal has great significance, perhaps all significance. Have you ever seen a complicated machine that is brought into motion by steam? This is what occurs: when there is steam, the machine is in motion, and the more steam there is, the stronger the motion. When the steam weakens, then the motion also weakens; when the steam ceases, the motion also ceases. What steam is for a machine, zeal is for a God-pleasing life. When there is zeal, all labors go smoothly and any labor in not laborious. When there will be no zeal, there also will be no strength, no labor and no order; all becomes out of order then.
+St. Theophan the Recluse, from Kindling the Divine Spark, chapter 1, Keeping of the Monastic Vows.

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