Saturday, June 13, 2020

St. Simeon the New Theologian: Earthly and Heavenly Glory

Do you not see how those who attend on an earthly king regard it as a great glory, that they are proud of it, and are considered objects of envy by those in the world? If, then, this is so in vain and transitory matters, how much more should we, who have been enrolled in the army of the heavenly King and have taken His service upon ourselves, rejoice and be glad that we have been found worthy to be taken into His service and called on to render worship to His Name? And if we shall ever be counted worthy to behold Him face to face and to be numbered among those who stand in His presence, how greatly that would surpass any praise for blessedness! But if one were to be numbered among His special servants and friends, and be counted worthy to hear the utterance and voice of the Master, what human mind, what human tongue would be able to describe the greatness of this glory and dignity? But if that "which no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man conceived, which God has prepared for those who love Him" (1 Cor 2:9) is above human comprehension and above all visible blessings, how much more is God Himself who has prepared them! Not only is He above them, but also those who have been counted worthy to see Him and to stand before Him and have converse with Him, and who have become partakers and sharers of His divinity and His glory. They have become altogether superior to the good things that God has prepared for them, since they have received as their inheritance the very Lord who has prepared these good things. That men have become such and continue to do so until the present time, and that not merely after death, but, I say, even while they are living this present life, this the whole inspired Scripture teaches.
+St. Simeon the New Theologian, from The Discourses, discourse X, #1.

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