Saturday, June 20, 2020

St. Ephraim the Syrian: Thou didst come for our Redemption

May Thy compassion be praised, O Christ our King, O Son of God worshiped by all! Thou art our King, Thou art our God, Thou art the author of our life and our great hope.
With one soul do both the heavenly hosts and the ranks below praise Thee and sing unto Thee a song of thanks, for Thou Who wast concealed hast in the last days appeared in the flesh of us mortals.
When Thy compassion was aroused and when it pleased Thy love to do so, Thou didst come for our redemption and liberate our race.
Thou didst cure our afflictions, cleanse our sins and, according to Thy compassion, Thou didst raise those who were dead.
Thou didst establish on earth the holy Church in the image of the heavenly kingdom: Thou didst build her with love, establish her with compassion, and Thou didst spiritually betroth Thyself to her, and gain her by Thy suffering.
+St. Ephraim the Syrian, quoted by St. Theophan the Recluse in A Spiritual Psalter: or Reflections on God, psalm 86.

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