Friday, March 19, 2021

St. Justin Popovich: Man in the God-Man

 Everything that man is and everything that is of man perfectly lives, works, thinks, feels, is human, immortal, divine, and eternal only and solely in the God-man and through the God - man. Only through the God-man Christ is man a divine majesty and the highest value next to God in all worlds. For this reason God became man, and has remained the God-1nan for all eternity. With the God-man Christ, all that is God’s has become 1nan’s, human, ours, so that each of us individually and all of us assembled
together in the Divine-human body of Christ, the Church, might become god-men, having attained “to the perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ” (Eph. 4:12-13).
+St. Justin Popovich, in Man and the God-Man

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