Saturday, March 13, 2021

Elder Cleopa (Ilie) of Sihastria: Humility

 Brother: Reverend Father, as a simple and slow to understand person, it seems to me that these Holy Fathers talk too intricate and too little about humility. This is why, Reverend Father, please, if you can, tell me some teachings about humility, which are simpler and closer to my understanding.
Abbot: Brother John, if the testimonies on humility from these three Holy Fathers seem too difficult and subtle for you and you want to understand easier teachings about humility, read the Lives of the Fathers,
especially chapter 4 and 10 where you can find among others: A brother asked an old man: “Father, what is humility“. And the old man answered, "Humility is considering yourself unworthy and more of a sinner than everyone else and be meek with everyone”. And the brother asked: “What it means to be meek with everyone?” And the old man said, “To not search and see other people’s sins, but to see your sins and evils, and to pray unceasingly to God for your forgiveness” (Chapter 10, 13).
Brother John, here is a rather simple and easy teaching about humility. Let’s pray for God’s help not to forget it, and to do as this happy old man is teaching us, to always have in front of our mind’s eyes the
weight of our sins, to weep because of them and to never condemn anyone.

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