Sunday, February 7, 2021

St. Vasily (Rosliakov): The path to faith

 How difficult this first step [toward God] can be! But when, with God's help, someone finds the inner strength to come to his first Confession, what peace his soul obtains! What can one compare to this peace? What words can describe it? For where God is, there is peace. How sweet it can be to see people who have just come to believe! This is because there are a great multitude of angels who rejoice over that soul, and heavenly rejoicing, like a grace-filled flame, imparts itself to the believing heart. The soul tirelessly gives thanks to God and sweetly calls out, "Christ is Risen!" And the entire Heavenly Church responds, "In truth He is risen!" Truly Christ is risen in the soul of the one who has awakened from the sleep of sin and resurrected to life eternal.
+St. Vasily (Rosliakov), from Thou Hast Proved Me, O God and Knowest, The Path to God (author unknown)

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