Friday, February 19, 2021

St. Nikolai Velimirovich

 Only he can be born again in this life who has died to the old man; or, in other words, in whom the old, sinful man is dead. He who immerses himself with his sins, in the water comes up cleansed of sin. He who submits his body, as a bodily man, comes up by the Spirit as a spiritual man. He who buries himself with Christ by baptism as in the grave, rises with Christ in His Resurrection (cf. Col 2:12). He who drowns pride, disobedience, selfishness and all the impurity of the old, sinful man will come out of the water with humility, meekness, obedience and love. He who dies to self will live to God (cf. Rom 6:3-8).
+St. Nikolai Velimirovich, from Homilies volume 1, 7. The Theophany of the Lord.

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