Wednesday, February 24, 2021

St. Nektarios of Aegina: The nature of true repentance


True repentance is a change of mind for one’s actions, an alteration of one’s ethical life, a change toward the better, complete rejection of one’s previous life and sin, steadfast willingness to exercise virtue, complete unification of one’s own will With the Divine Will (i.e. the Divine Law). Therefore, repentance is an ethical rebirth of man and the starting point of a new, virtuous life.
A model for true repentance is given to us by the Prophet Isaiah who incites the Jews to repent and return
to God. This is what he says: “Wash you, be clean; remove your iniquities from your souls before mine eyes; cease from your iniquities; learn to do well; diligently seek judgment, deliver him that is suffering Wrong, plead for the orphan, and obtain justice for the Widow. And come, let us reason together, saith the Lord: and though your sins be as purple, I will make them white as snow; and though they be as scarlet, I will make them white as wool” (Isa. 1:16-18).
+St. Nektarios of Aegina, from Repentance and Confession, chapter 1

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