Thursday, February 4, 2021

Fr. Michael Shanbour: Understanding God's Grace

 If we desire to feel the warmth of the sun, we must make the physical effort to walk outdoors and expose our skin to its rays, perhaps shedding some of our clothing. After being tanned by the sun’s rays, we would claim not that our tan came about as the result of our own power, but rather that we desired it and put ourselves in a position to receive it. 
And if there are clouds covering the sun, we do not say, “The sun is angry With me.” The sun has not changed in any way, nor have the sun’s rays ceased to shine. Rather, we acknowledge that the clouds are obstructing the sun’s light and power, keeping it from having its natural impact.
The same is true in the spiritual life. If we desire to be in the presence of the spiritual Sun, we Will adopt a Way of life that naturally exposes us to the rays of God’s grace. This is the way of love or of keeping the commandments of God - “If you love Me, keep My commandments” (John 14:15). It will not be our effort, our works, that save us, but the grace of God, which brings us into union and communion with Him.
+Fr. Michael Shanbour, from Know the Faith: A Handbook for Orthodox Christians and Inquirers, Chapter 2, Grace

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