Monday, January 25, 2021

St. Paul of Latros: Miracle at prayer

 Near a certain tree occurred something very extraordinary, similar to what occurred on Mount Sinai to the God-seer Moses. One night, while [St. Paul the New] was praying, the whole tree burst into flames, and the monks saw that the saint was also ablaze. The robe that he wore seemed to be immersed in flames, and the fingers of his hands appeared as candles when he raised his hands and prayed. After this terrifying and unspeakable vision ended, the saint wept from the depths of his soul, and yearned to be released from this transient life and to pass on to the imperishable and eternal one. For indeed, immaterial fire burned in his heart, leading him to the love of Christ, and he found no rest. Many times he begged the abbot to permit him go to a secluded place and lead a serene life. But the saintly Peter would not allow him, because of his youth, and partly because he feared lest the envious demons tempt him and defeat him due to his inexperience.
From The Life and Struggles of Our Holy Father among the Saints, Paul the New of Mount Latros, in The Lives of the Monastery Builders, Holy Apostles Convent, Pamphlet 1.

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