Monday, January 18, 2021

St. Dorotheos of Gaza: On the true fast

 We need not only to be careful about our food but also to escape from every sin. Thus, as we fast with out stomach, we must fast with our tongue, abandoning slander, lies, idle chatter, reproach, anger and basically any sin that is committed by the tongue. Likewise, we must fast with our eyes so that we do not see idly, nor do we act boldly with the eyes looking impudently. Also, we must prevent our hands and feet from performing any evil.
This fasting, as St. Basil says, is an acceptable fast, as we abstain from every evil manifested through all the senses. We proceed to the Holy day of Resurrection, as we have already said, renewed, clean and worthy of the communion of the Holy Mysteries. 
+St. Dorotheos of Gaza, from Abba Dorotheos Practical Teaching on the Christian Life, lesson 15 On the Holy Fast.

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