Sunday, December 13, 2020

St. Paisius Velichkovsky: On Walking with Heedfulness

 Every evening we must test ourselves as to how the day passed with us, and every morning we again should test ourselves as to how the night passed. And not only at some definite time but at every time and in every place and concerning everything we must give account of ourselves, and reflect concerning everything we must give account to ourselves, and reflect concerning the virtues and the passions, in what condition of life we are: in the beginning, at the middle, or at the end: whether we are laboring worthy of the rewards and performing virtues, or only laboring without receiving rewards. When we sin in anything, let us make up for our lack of virtue by tears and let us weep. 
+St. Paisius Velichkovsky, from Field Flowers, or Lilies of the Field from the Divine Scripture, Concerning God's Commandments and the Holy Virtues, #18 On Walking with Heedfulness, in Little Russian Philokalia, Volume 4.

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