Monday, December 21, 2020

St. Mark the Ascetic: On hearing Christ with gladness

 Every word of Christ shows us God's mercy, justice and wisdom, and, if we listen gladly, their power enters into us. That is why the unmerciful nd the unjust, listening to Christ with repugnance, were not able to understand the wisdom of God, but even crucified Him for teaching it. So we, too, should ask ourselves whether we listen to Him gladly. For He said: "He who loves Me will keep My commandments, and he will be loved by My Father, and I will love him, and will manifest Myself to him" (cf. John 14:21). Do you see how He has hidden His manifestation in the commandments? Of all the commandments, therefore, the most comprehensive is to love God and our neighbor. This love is made firm through abstaining from material things, and through stillness of thoughts.
+St. Mark the Ascetic, from On Those who Think that They are Made Righteous by Works: 226 Texts, #223, in The Philokalia, volume 1.

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