Thursday, December 17, 2020

St. Innocent of Alaska: The difficulty of Salvation

The way into the kingdom of heaven is difficult and there are bitter labors on it, but he who has not seen and experienced what is bitter cannot know the value of what is sweet. The way into the kingdom of heaven is difficult, but while suffering here on earth we can always pray and in prayer find comfort and strength, and God always hears our prayer. But when we die not as Christians, even if we could pray there, God would not hear us. The way into the kingdom of heaven is difficult, but the eternal sufferings and torments are incomparably greater and more grievous than earthly sufferings. Even our most grievous sufferings here below, in comparison with the sufferings of hell prepared for the devil and his angels, are so small that they are like tiny drops in comparison with the whole ocean. The way to heavenly beatitude is difficult, but are the ways to earthly fortune or happiness easier? Look how those labor and sweat who make money and seek earthly honor and glory, and how often we willingly and gladly undertake labors and cares for some empty pleasure. But what is the result? Instead of receiving pleasure we only lose time, waste money, ruin our health, and destroy our soul. Therefore, if we examine ourselves more attentively, it becomes clear that it is not because the way is difficult that we do not go into the heavenly kingdom but because we have no real desire or inclination to do so, and do not want to trouble ourselves about it. Whoever ardently desires anything will always seek it, in spite of all difficulties and obstacles. 

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