Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Matthew the Poor: Growth in Humility

 It is mentioned concerning the pure saintly fathers, that after beholding the Lord, they became even more humble. Thus we hear of righteous Job, who when the eyes of his heart were finally opened and he beheld the Lord, he counted himself as dust and ashes... A1so Isaiah the prophet after rebuking the people for their sins, saw the Lord and immediately humbled himself declaring; “Woe is me, for I am undone! Because I am a man of unclean lips." (Isaiah 6:5). And so the saints‘ great humility is in fact owing to what they have seen of God’s glory. Thus the soul attains true humility on earth by beholding - from afar - the glory which it shall receive (undeservedly).
+Matthew the Poor, from St. Anthony, a Biblical Ascetic, Eleventh Ascetic Principle

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