Thursday, November 19, 2020

St. Nicholas Cabasilas: The fruits of the Sacraments

 We depart from this water [of Baptism] without sin. Because of the Chrism we partake of His graces, and because of the banquet [of the Holy Eucharist] we live with the same life as He does. in the world to come we shall be gods with God, fellow-heirs with Him of the same riches, reigning with Him in the same kingdom - that is, unless we of our own free will bling ourselves in this life and rend asunder the royal garment. This alone we contribute to the life - that we submit to His gifts, retain His grace, and do not reject the crown which God by many toils and labors has prepared for us.
+St. Nicholas Cabasilas, from The Life in Christ, book 1, #11.

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