Sunday, November 1, 2020

St. John Chrysostom: On how to approach the Holy Gifts

 Having taken account of the magnitude of the Sacrifice, make your body beautiful. Understand what your hand receives, and never raise that hand to strike someone... Bear in mind that you do not receive Christ in your hand only but also put Him into your mouth, and keep your tongue pure of foul and abusive language, free from blasphemies and perjury... When you recall that your heart receives that terrible Mystery, never scheme against your neighbor but keep your heart pure of any wickedness. In this way you will also be able to guard your eyes and your hearing... You are invited to a wedding my beloved; do not go in wearing dirty clothes, but provide yourself with the appropriate garment (cf Matt 22:2-14).
+St. John Chrysostom, from Baptismal Instructions, 2.2.

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