Thursday, November 12, 2020

St. Dorotheos of Gaza: On Arrogance and Humility

 Hear what the Lord says, "Learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls" (Matt 11:29). Here briefly, in one word, He has shown us the root and cause of every evil and the treatment for it and also the cause of every good. He has shown us that arrogance defeated us, and that it is not possible to receive mercy, other than through its opposite, humility. As arrogance produces contempt and destructive disobedience, so humility produces obedience and the salvation of our souls. I have real humility in mind, not that of words and external forms, but of a true humble disposition that is cultivated in the heart itself and within this mind-set. This is what He means when He says, "for I am gentle and lowly in heart".
+St. Dorotheos of Gaza, from Abba Dorotheos: Practical Teaching on the Christian Life, Lesson 1 On Renunciation, #7.

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