Thursday, October 15, 2020

St. Theophan the Recluse: The Fire of Zeal

 What success can one expect when there is no enthusiastic zeal for a Christian pleasing of God? If there is something that involves no labor, one is ready to do it; but as soon as one is required to do a little extra labor, or some kind of self-sacrifice, immediately one refuses, because one is unable to accomplish it oneself. For then there will be nothing to rely on that can move one to good deeds: self-pity will undermine all the foundations. And if any other motive besides the one mentioned becomes involved, it will make the good deed into a bad deed...
Zealous pleasing of God is the path to God which is full of consolation and gives wings to the spirit. Without it one can ruin everything.
One must to everything for the glory of God in defiance of the sin which dwells in us. Without this we will do everything only out of habit, because it seems "proper", because this is the way it has always been done, or the way others do it. We must do all we can, otherwise we will do some things and neglect others, and this without any contrition or even knowledge of what we have omitted. One must to everything with heedfulness and care, as our chief task; otherwise we will do everything just as it comes.
And so, it is clear that without zeal a Christian is a poor Christian. He is drowsy, feeble, lifeless, neither hot nor cold - and this kind of life is not life at all. Knowing this, let us strive to manifest ourselves as true zealots of good deeds, having neither stain nor spot, nor any of these things.
+St. Theophan the Recluse, from The Path to Salvation, Chapter 1, #2.

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