Thursday, October 29, 2020

St. Nektarios of Aegina: On the value of Confession

Reverence toward the spiritual father is a fortress against sin because it restrains the sinful urges and severs the improper desires. The recollection that one is going to appear before his spiritual father and announce to him his improper deeds, while presenting himself as passionate, inclined toward sin, and unfaithful in his promises to God and his spiritual father, this recollection reminds one of the future shame and humbles the passions and urges.
The person who confesses develops spiritually because i) through instruction, his teacher’s knowledge is transferred little by little to him, as to a student; and ii) his mind becomes illumined as it is continually cleansed from the darkness of sin and deception. Thus he understands God’s Wonders and he grows [spiritually].
Confession is the life-saving medicine for society because it is capable of saving many souls from destruction - souls that are lost through deception, improper recollections, and evil thoughts. The spiritual father is the person desired by the soul, to whom the sinner desires to pour out his heart in order to expose his soul’s wounds, in order to ask for treatment, in order to be relieved. The spiritual father is the mediator who unites the souls and tightens the bonds of family, friendship, and love. The spiritual father alone is able to unite the souls of parents and children, couples, brothers, and relatives. The spiritual father is the internal teacher of society, the guard of a family’s morals, the consolation of the suffering, and the harbor for those who waver in life’s ocean. Confession from a moral standpoint is the greatest benefaction of the Church to society. The spiritual father is the moral physician of society. He alone is capable of intercepting all the bad things that afflict society today. He will teach those deluded; he Will raise up those who have fallen; he will support those who quiver; he Will enlighten those who are darkened; he will lead the weak; he will help the poor; he will subdue the urges; he will subdue the passions; he will reconcile those separated; he will make peace between enemies; he will tighten bonds among men, and he will grant peace to families. This is what confession is from a moral standpoint, which we unfortunately have not realized and have abandoned. This is why many bad things exist, which afflict society. Christians! Keep the commandments of the Church, because Within this keeping exists eternal life. Seek physicians for your souls and for your peace.
+St. Nektarios of Aegina, from Repentance and Confession, chapter 5 Confession is both morally and spiritually beneficial

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