Friday, October 9, 2020

Hieromonk Moses of Mt. Athos: Who is Christ?

 Christ is of course an historical person, but he is much more than this. He is a great, beneficent and significant teacher, whose message has enriched the world, and whose presence marked a turning point in the flow of history. But, again, he is not only this. Jesus Christ - our Lord and God, the Redeemer and Savior, the God-Man (Theanthropos), the Second Person of the All-Holy Trinity, the One "above every name," the Son "without mother from the Father and without father from the mother," of one essence and co-unoriginate with the Father, the revealed God, Word of the Father, the Incarnate, Crucified, Resurrected and Ascended - is the Way, the Life of the world, the Light, the Truth and the Resurrection. He is not the traditional, customary, historical and religious god, but my Father, my Life, the Life of all mankind. He is the one who renewed life and rejuvenated moral man. He is the one who created man and who constantly watches over him paternally, as Creator, Provider, and All-Wise.
+Hieromonk Moses of Mt. Athos, from Athonite Flowers, Jesus Christ: The Life of the World.

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