Thursday, October 1, 2020

St. Paisios of Mount Athos: The Joy in Accepting Injustice

 Geronda, when I gladly accept a reprimand for a mistake I have made, is what I am feeling pure?
Look, if you cause damage, and people reprimand you and you do not complain but are rather happy, saying, "Glory be to God, I needed that reprimand," you have only half the joy. But if you do not do any damage, and are unjustly reprimanded and you accept it with good thoughts, then you will have complete joy. I am not saying that you should seek unfair reprimands, because then the devil will entangle you in the sin of pride, but rather that you should accept injustice when it come your way naturally, and be joyful in it.
There are four stages in confronting injustice. Let's say someone strikes you unjustly. If you are at the first stage, you strike back. If you are at the second stage, you feel very upset inside, but control yourself and do not speak. At the third stage you are not agitated by the injustice. But at the fourth stage, you experience great joy, extraordinary spiritual gladness.
+St. Paisios of Mount Athos, from Spiritual Counsels III, Righteousness and Injustice, The Joy in Accepting Injustice

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