Wednesday, September 23, 2020

St. Simeon the New Theologian: God's love and mercy toward us

 I know, O my Savior, that no other man hath so sinned against Thee as have I, no other man hath wrought such deeds as have I. But I know, also, that neither the magnitude of the transgression, nor the multitude of the sins can transcend the long suffering and unutterable love toward mankind of my God. According to thy mercy and condescension Thou cleansest those who repent with their whole heart; Thou enlightenest them and makest them participants of the light, and sharers of Thy Divinity. And, albeit it is strange for angels and men to comprehend, Thou ofttimes holdest converse with them as with Thy true friends.
+St. Simeon the New Theologian, from a prayer before Holy Communion, in The "Svit" prayer book.

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