Wednesday, September 9, 2020

St. Justin Martyr: Read the Scriptures

I would wish that all, making a resolution similar to my own, do not keep themselves away from the words of the Savior.1 For they possess a terrible power in themselves, and are sufficient to inspire those who turn aside from the path of rectitude with awe; while the sweetest rest is afforded those who make a diligent practice of them. If, then, you have any concern for yourself, and if you are eagerly looking for salvation, and if you believe in God, you may - since you are not indifferent to the matter - become acquainted with the Christ of God, and after being initiated, live a happy life.
+St. Justin Martyr, from Dialogue with Trypho, chapter 8.
1The Saint is here referring to the Jewish Scriptures (Old Testament).

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