Monday, September 28, 2020

Origen: That sins should be revealed

 "That the thoughts out of many hearts may be revealed"(Luke 2:35). There were evil thoughts in men, and they were revealed for this reason, that being brought into the open they might be destroyed, slain and put to death, and case to be, and that He who died for us might kill them. For while these thoughts were hidden and not brought into the open they could not be utterly done to death. Hence if we have sinned we also ought to say, "I have made my sins known to Thee, and I have not hidden my wickedness. I have said I will declare my unrighteousness to the Lord against myself." For if we do this and reveal our sins not only to God but also to those who can heal our wounds and sins, our wickedness will be wiped out by Him who says, "I will wipe out your wickedness like a cloud."
+Origen, from Homily on Luke 17, in The Early Christian Fathers

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