Friday, September 4, 2020

Akathist: Prayer to the All-holy Spirit

Prayer to the All-holy Spirit
O Holy Spirit, Who fillest the whole universe with Thyself and givest life unto all, and Who withdrawest from defiled men, I humbly entreat Thee: Disdain not the impurity of my soul, but come and make Thine abode within me, and cleanse me of all the defilement of sin; that with Thy help I may live out the remaining time of my life in repentance and the doing of good works, and thus may glorify Thee with the Father and the Son, unto the ages of ages. Amen.
From the Akathist to the All-Holy and Life-Creating Spirit, in Book of Akathists II, To Our Savior, the Mother of God, and Various Saints.

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