Sunday, August 16, 2020

St. Justin Martyr: The surpassing love of God for man.

O the surpassing kindness and love of God for man! (cf Titus 3:4 f). No, He did not hate us, or discard us, or remember our wrongs; He exercised forbearance and long-suffering! In mercy, of His own accord, He lifted the burden of our sins! Of His own accord He gave up His own Son(cf Rom 8:32) as a ransom for us - the Saint for sinners, the Guiltless for the guilty, the Innocent for the wicked,(cf 1 Peter 3:18) the Incorruptible for the corruptible, the Immortal for the mortal! Indeed, what else could have covered our sins but His holiness? In whom could we, the lawless and impious, be sanctified but n the Son of God alone? O sweetest exchange! O unfathomable accomplishment! O unexpected blessings - the sinfulness of many is buried in One who is holy, the holiness of One sanctifies many who are sinners!
+St. Justin Martyr 1, from The Epistle to Diognetus, #9.

1 The epistle is traditionally attributed to him, though many modern scholars disagree.

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