Saturday, August 22, 2020

St. John of Kronstadt: How long before we become one body?

How long will it be before the Holy Mysteries of which we partake remind us that "we, being many... are one body"; and how long will there be no mutual hearty union between us, as members of the single Body of Christ? How long shall we make our own laws of life, be inimical to each other, envy each other, torment, grieve, fret, judge and abuse each other? When will the Spirit of Christ abide in us, the spirit of meekness, humility, kindness, love unfeigned, self-denial, patience, chastity, abstinence, simplicity and sincerity, contempt for earthly things and entire aspiration after heavenly ones? Lord Jesus Christ! Enlighten our spiritual vision and "let Thy loving Spirit lead" us all "into the land of righteousness." Give us Thy Spirit!
+St. John of Kronstadt, from A Treasury of Russian Spirituality by George Fedotov, section on Preparation for Holy Communion

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