Tuesday, June 16, 2020

St. Dorotheos of Gaza: Do you see the humility of the saints?

Do you see the humility of the saints? How their hearts are moved? Even when God sent them to help other people, they did not agree to this easily out of humility and to avoid glory. Like a man wearing an all-silk garment, if someone throws a dirty rag on him he leaves so as not to ruin his expensive clothes, it is with the saints, who are dressed in virtues and avoid human glory in order not to be defiled. However, those who seek glory are like a naked man trying to find a small rag or anything else to cover his indecency. The person who is naked of virtues, seeks the glory of people.
Therefore, when God sent the saints to help other people, they did not agree to this easily because of their humility. Thus, Moses said, "I beg you find another one capable to be sent, since I am weak in speech and slow of tongue" (Ex 4:10). Also Jeremiah said, "I am a youth" (Jer 1:6). To put it simply, each one of the saints obtained humility by keeping the commandments faithfully. Nobody can express what this humility is in words and how it grows within the soul, unless he learns about it through experience. No one can learn about it from words alone.
+St. Dorotheos of Gaza, from Abba Dorotheos: Practical Teaching on the Christian Life, Lesson 2 On Humility, #35

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