Friday, June 26, 2020

St. Anatoly of Optima, Saving Temptations

Pride is the culmination of the demonic scheme. But He "Who will have all men to be saved and to come unto the knowledge of the truth"(1 Timothy 2:4) permits the Devil and people to humble us... Since, Matushka, in God's first blessed instrument intended for your healing you do not wish to recognize God's hand, therefore temptations are sent to you... If you are not made wiser, yet more temptations or afflictions will be sent to you, greater than the first. (c.f. St. Mark the Ascetic, "On the Spiritual Law", #46, Philokalia 1)  But let us hasten to humble ourselves, let us endure patiently, guarding ourselves with the fear of God...
+St. Anatoly (Zertsalov) of Optina, from A Collection of Letters to Nuns, Profitable instructions for laymen and monastics, letter 43, Saving Temptations

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