Thursday, June 18, 2020

Abba Pior: The small sins of my brother

One day, the fathers of Scetis came together to judge a brother who had grievously sinned. Abba Pior kept silence while they discussed the case, then took a sack, filled it with sand and hoisted it onto his shoulder, he also put a little sand in a small bag that he placed in front of him. When he was asked what this action meant, he said, "This sack that contains a lot of sand is my many sins that I have left behind me, and these are the small sins of my brother that I place in front of me and spend my time judging! Would it not be better to do the opposite?" The father got to their feet edified, and recognized that Abba Pior had chosen the way of salvation.
+from The Synaxarion entry for the Venerable Father Pior, June 17.

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