Saturday, June 6, 2020

Metropolitan Anthony: Consider the lilies of the field...

If we want to live as Christ says, seeking only the Kingdom of Heaven and its righteousness in the hope that everything else will be added thereto, we must radically change our whole attitude to life, and stop living in the way we do. The righteousness of the Kingdom of Heaven consists in loving God with our whole heart, with all our mind, with all our strength, and our neighbour as ourselves. That means that nothing, absolutely nothing, must remain in our lives that cannot be called love of God and love of our neighbour. It means that all our thoughts, all our powers, our whole heart must be devoted not to ourselves but to another — to God and to our neighbour. It means that everything that we possess, which gives us comfort and joy, belongs to God and our neighbour; it means that whatever we make use of over and above strict necessity, we are taking away from God and our neighbour.
+Metropolitan Anthony (Bloom), from a church newsletter dated July 4, 1976.

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